

We’re in Hidden Wires Magazine!

We’re very pleased to have our ‘Modern Masterpiece‘ featured in Hidden Wires Magazine.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

“Bringing together some of the top workmanship in the country, this family home reveals the best of Scandinavian and modern home design, integrated with high-end technology. Amy Wallington looks beyond the walls.

Located on the Iceland coast, just outside of Reykjavik, this property demonstrates how technology can be incorporated into almost any home design. The two-year project, costing roughly $250,000 USD, involved integrator TSP Smart Spaces (TSP), their Icelandic subsidiary, Nordic Smart Spaces, as well as architects Steve Christer and Margrét Harðardóttir at Studio Grandi, and interior designer Selma Agustdottir.

Well-versed in the world of home automation and technology from a previous house, the client wanted to improve on what he had before to include high-quality audio solutions.”

To read the full Hidden Wires magazine article, click here.

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