

What We Learned at the 2022 Luxury Design Summit

In late May of 2022, we attended the New England Home Luxury Design Summit in various roles. Rhiannon Hayes and Aaron Stallings as guests, and Michael Oh as an invited speaker! Each presentation gave us insight into the industry’s design trends as well as the market as a whole. TSP owner and president Michael Oh was invited to present how technology and design intersect in the luxury design world. We came away energized and inspired and wanted to share some of our biggest takeaways from the Summit.

Recurring themes

Luxury Design Summit

One of the most common themes we ran into was cybersecurity and how this plays a role in the home and business environment. This was a pleasant surprise for us as we’ve long preached the importance of cybersecurity in residential homes. Seeing the luxury design market embrace this topic in three separate talks was a significant step forward. As the luxury design market often deals with high-net-worth individuals (a frequent target of cyber attacks), ensuring proper cybersecurity protocols is hugely important.

Overall, technology was a focal point of the Summit. One of the main sponsors was Canvas, a mobile 3D scanning company similar to Matterport. The topic of Next Generation Design tools was our focus during Boston Design Week in 2021, so it was great to see 3D-capture technology becoming more of a mainstay in the design world. 

Re-connecting and establishing new connections

Luxury Design Networking

Besides the fantastic speakers from industry leaders, one of the most significant benefits of these events is re-connecting with peers you haven’t seen in a long time. Post-pandemic, these events are great opportunities to re-establish connections and catch up on the latest trends and practices. They’re also a great way to network and meet new people, fostering new relationships that often lead to exciting new collaborations.

“What I took away most from the conversations was regarding best business practices. It was interesting hearing from so many people about how they approach business, the general structure of client engagement, and the proposal process. It’s helpful to consider how different fields approach client and partner relationships.” – Aaron Stallings.

Embracing the home technology fast forward

“How Michael presented things made it approachable so that it wasn’t intimidating. This wasn’t just tech; it was the application and how to think about this for your business and your clients. It has real-world relevance.” – Rhiannon Hayes

This year, Michael Oh was invited to be one of the keynote speakers at the Luxury Design Summit. TSP is known for having a pulse on what’s happening in the technology world. We’re also known for knowing what businesses in the design industry need to stay competitive. This was the perfect opportunity to establish ourselves as thought leaders, focusing on educating the industry, not selling our solutions. 

Michael focused his talk on “Embracing the Home Technology Fast Forward”, which aimed to educate attendees on all the ways technology and business intersect. He also focused on how technology impacts the client experience and how companies must utilize technology as a competitive advantage. 

We were incredibly pleased with the feedback from Michael’s presentation. Many remarked how they were impressed with how they walked away not only having learned something but with concrete next steps on how to stay ahead of the competition. 

“I thought Michael’s was one of the most elevated speeches at the Summit. I think he has a really cool way of educating but not selling. I’d love to get that sort of education spreading around more in the design industry.” – Justine Sterling of Justine Sterling Design

As we enter a post-pandemic world, we’re excited to be more active in the local community and a part of important events like the Luxury Design Summit. To ensure you know where to catch us next, follow us on Instagram or sign up for our newsletter! Want us to be part of your next event? Contact us. We’d love to chat!